Deeper Purpose Community Church- "Serving Our Community With a Purpose!"
Deeper Purpose Community Church- "Serving Our Community With a Purpose!"

Our Pastor & Founder, Elder Adam O. Joy
Our Pastor & Founder, Elder Adam O. Joy
Pastor Joy founded Deeper Purpose Community Church April of 2017, but the progress of the Church was put on hold August of 2017, until December of 2018, while he took Leadership, Theology & College Classes at CTI, as well as Assisted, Served, & Lead another Local Church, until they were assigned a new permanent Pastor. Pastor Joy was raised in the Church of God in Christ. He became a Licensed Minister in 2007, an Ordained Elder in 2012, & Graduated Church of God by Faith Theological Institute "CTI" of Jacksonville in December of 2018, with his Diploma of Christian Pastor Studies & Certification. He loves the Lord with all of his heart, & desires to live a life that pleases God. He's happily married with 2 wonderful children. & we are blessed to have him as our Leader.
In addition to being our Leader, Pastor Joy serves as the Director of Outreach & PMT for the United Assembly of Christian Churches; where he gives Administrative Oversight for Domestic Missions, Security, Ushers, Greeters, & the Nurse's Guild. Pastor Joy is also the Founder of the High Springs-Alachua Christian Pastors Network.
Associate Pastor Derrick L. Smith
Associate Pastor Derrick L. Smith
Pastor Smith was selected & appointed as an Associate Pastor of the Deeper Purpose Community Church, September 9th, 2020. Pastor Smith is a proud Husband, Father, Minister, & Soldier. He's an Author of two books, & a Founding Member of the Marriage Matters Conference. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical & Theological Studies, a Master's Degree in Christian Ministry, & is currently pursuing a Doctor of Education in Marriage & Family Counseling, & Board Certification as a Chaplain. He also holds Certifications in both Marriage & Premarital Counseling, as well as Applied Suicide Prevention.
Minister Smith will be assisting in numerous areas in the Ministry; Teaching Bible Studies, Presiding over Sunday Services, Assisting in the Music Ministry, Financial & Budgeting Matters, Preaching during Worship Services as needed, Overseeing Training & Development for Members, Discipleship of Members, & Assisting in some areas with our Youth Department that’s exploding, until the Lord sends us a Youth Pastor.
Minister Smith will be the Adjutant & Administrative Assistant to our Senior Pastor, Elder Adam Joy. Our Church is growing, thriving & every detail is being orchestrated by the Lord. We thank God for all that He’s done, is doing, & getting ready to do for all of those connected to us!

What We Believe
What We Believe
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Bible and all of it's contents, is the only true & correct written Word of God, that cannot be changed.
WE BELIEVE that there is only one living & true God that exists in the form of three persons; God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus died on the Cross for our Sins, & that three days later, God rose him from the dead; & that he sits now, at the right hand of God, interceding on our behalf, & is soon to return.
WE BELIEVE that in order to truly be saved, you must confess, believe, repent, & be "Born Again".
WE BELIEVE that all Christ has done for us, makes healing, redemption, salvation, & deliverance possible.
WE BELIEVE in the power of the Holy Spirit, all that it can do. Laying of Hands, Divine Healing, & speaking in unknown tongues, as the Holy Spirit gives utterance.
WE BELIEVE that because of Salvation, the power of the Holy Spirit, Through Faith & Hearing the Word of God, we as Christians, are enabled to live a life that's Holy, & Sanctified.
WE BELIEVE in partaking of "Holy Communion", & that it in fact represents the blood of Jesus that was shed, & his body that was broken for us.
WE BELIEVE in Water Baptisms & that It is an act of obedience of God's command, symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Saviour, the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus.
WE BELIEVE that Baptism with the Holy Spirit is an empowering experience, equipping Spirit-filled believers for witness and ministry. Extending from this is the belief that all the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament are to be sought and exercised to build up the church.
WE BELIEVE that Salvation is God’s free gift to us, but we must accept it; & that if any man be in Christ, they have become a new creation.

Services Offered by Pastor Joy
Services Offered by Pastor Joy
Marriage & Family Counseling
Master of Ceremony During Programs
Guest Motivational Speaker/ Conferences & Programs
Wedding Officiant
Funeral Officiant
Baptism & Christening Officiant

Our Covering
Our Covering
Our Pastor firmly believes that every Leader needs a Leader, and every Church need a Spiritual Covering. Deeper Purpose Community Church is very proud to announce, that we are under the Spiritual Covering of The United Assembly Of Christian Churches-UACC. The United Assembly of Christian Churches (UACC), is an inter-denominational, multi-cultural consortium ministries that has been called by God to uplift Communities. The Organization operates on a three point thrust; Spiritual Revitalization, Economic Development and Educational Programming.
The goal of UACC is to execute these initiatives throughout our Communities, one church at a time. Furthermore, it is the belief of UACC, that every Pastor the Lord leads to join the Organization, will bring their own unique gifts. The Leaders of UACC, Apostle Adrian S.Weeks & Dr.Kimara Weeks, are praying daily that these gifts will aid in the success of their mission. More info on UACC can be found at www.unitedassembly.info .
Pastor Joy knows that THE LORD is pleased, DPCC is in good hands, & we look forward to all that UACC & it’s leadership has to offer! 💙